jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

pag 90     Speechwork

I send you the speechwork  to the email recreating1225@yahoo.com.

Pag 69     Workbook

Good morning! My name is Sarahi, Im your tour guide ,  we  take a magnificent tour at Stantford upon Avon. 
1. The First stop  is a SHAKESPEARE´S BIRHTPLACE is a typical middle class furniture of the time, in this place Shakespeare born in upstairs room and has a window with signatures of other famous playwrights.
2. Then we´re passing the HALL´S CROFT is a medieval house, is the home of Shakespeare´s daughter, Susanna, who married Dr Hall an eminent local doctor, this house contains 16th and 17th century medical equipment.
3. If we continued we have NEW PLACE, bought by Shakespeare in 1597, his permanent residence from 1611 till he died in 1616
4. In the fourth stop we have the NASH´S HOUSE where Elizabeth Hall the  granddaugher of Shakespeare´s lived that today is a museum of the Stanford story from prehistoric times.
5. In the next street on your  right see the ROYAL SHAKESPEAER THEATRE is built in 1962 here produces Shakespearean plays  and it has picture gallery and museum with paintings and costumes of famous artists and actors
6. Forward we have the home of John Hardvare, who later emigrated to USA and founded Harvard University called the  HARDVARD HOUSE.
7. The seventh stop is THE SHAKESPEARE CENTRE founden in 1964, commemorates 400th annieversary of Shakespeare´s birth , actually is a study centre.
8. To end the tour  we see HOLY TRINITY CHURCH it was the place where Shakespeare´s baptism and burial records.
Will we stop and in 20 min the bus leaves.
We hope you enjoyed the tour. Thank you !

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

paag 89      Book

Description of Madame Moites Sier by Ingres (1856)

The portrait is influenced by the art of antiquity and the Renaissance.The pose, with the hand touching the cheek, is derived from an ancient Roman fresco of a goddess, from Herculaneum. This may suggest that for Ingres Madam Moitessier represented the ideal of classical beauty.

Ingres believed that portraiture was a less elevated art form than history painting. In 1851, 
Ingres standing painted a portrait (National Gallery of Art, Washington) before returning to the portrait sitting which finally ended in 1856. This painting Is in the Musée Ingres in Montauban.

Workbook      pag 66

Dear Mr Howard

     Than you for your enquiry.
     We recommend first of all that you visit the Jorvik Viking Centre. In Jorvik you cant sit in a time-car and travel back a 1,000 years to see Jorvik and its people. Discovr the treasures found during the archaelogical  dig of 1973.
     Then you cant visit York Minster is the larges medieval cathedral in Northern Europe, all the day you is to be there, this is opcional.
      Then you could take your son to National Railway Museum where he can enjoy tha trains and lear about British social history at the same time.
      You can enjoy The World of the Minster, offers a fascinating insight into the life and times of people aver a period of 800 years.
      Another things cant not lose is Yorkshire Museum  is a botanical gardens before visiting the museums which houses some of the fines Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Viking and medieval terasure.
     To finish you have to go to Stonegate  a medival street to buy traditional souvenirs.
     York is a beautifull city you can walk around our city walls is very pleasant.

I hope that these suggestions would have liked to make your trip more enjoyable. Please another question  let me know.  We are in contact.

Your sincerely.
Tourist Information Clerk


To: Carhy Mays, CEO, Austral Tours
From: Kelly cooper
Date: 07/11
No. of pages:1
Subject: Tioman

Dear Cathy:

This morning I met LS from Tioman Promotions. What they have to offer is as follows:

1. We was talking about the ubicacion of Tioman;  is in the eastern cost of Malaysia, foty-three nautical miles to be exact,  the ferry service, the diferent hotels accomodation  which can be stay.

2. There are 480 doubles rooms, and abou a third of hese have a extra bed and so we can accomodate about 1,000 people at any one time.

3. The resort itself we have a lot of activities like scuba-diving, snorkelling, golf, swimming, horse riding, jungle trekking an dlive entertainment in the evenings.

4. They're all very luxurios rooms with private shower and  hair dryer, telephone, colour TV and mini bar.

5. Try to improve another business, we're putting in sknooker rooms, a badminton and volleyball court and a karaoke lounge. And  we're offering special deals for retired people.

6. The chalet gives onto a court yard  wich is named after flower.

Please condiser  the offfers looks very interesting. I hope you can reply to me as soon as you can.

Your sincerely

Kelly Cooper

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

Pag. 83     Course  book


Mexicali had a great food as carne asada tacos, chinesse food, mexican food and sea food.
There a lot of hotels that you can stay like Lucerna, Araiza, Crown Plaza and more. 
You can enjoy with your family the Museo sol del niño, city zoo, culture house, cinema, play jack.
On the nighlife we have discoteques and bar as barroco, Therapy, canta bar and if you want to drink different shots, you can go to SHOTS FACTORY.
So as can you enjoy a play with your couple.

pag. 61       Workbook


*  Is a beautiful unspoilt island off the Indian coast.
* It has a popultatiof of 3,000 whor live in in small coastal villages.
* Few international visitors visit the island.
* Commuication and transport between the hamlets is mainly by water os there asre few roads
* You can´t stay in a hotel because dont have.
* There have only one ferry service a week connecting with the island with the Indian


* Is a small but heavily populated land locked industrialised country.
* There are sufficient hotels than Floriana
* Productia have a museums, art galleries and old buildings.
* The site is close to two large industrial cities: Milltown and Ironton.
* Would be a suitable location for the theme park.
* The south of the country is popular international tourist destination in summer.

Pag. 56          Worbook


Dear Ms Bowen Lyons

Thank you for your letter, where you request two adjoining senior suites for your client for five night from 17-21 February inclusive.

We are pleased to be able yo offer two senior suites with half board for the dates requested at 950 SwF per night. All our senior suites are on the top floor and overlook the ski slopes. We will do our utmost yo ensure that the two suites are adjoining. However, we must point out that during these dates all our other senior suites will also be occupied.

As your clients do not  take advantage of our hotel bus we can arrange with the local limosine car service to collect them from the railway station when we have confirmation of their time of arrival. However, the contract will be with the car service and not with the hotel and therefore your cient will be requiered to settle directly with  the limousine servive on arrival.

Our ski desk will arrange all paragliding and snow-boarding sessions with your clients on arrival so that they will have the greatest flexibility when organising their shedules. The ski desk can also issue lift passes for the five days at 172 S wF per person. There is a slight reduction for child passes, that is children under 14 year of age.

We requiere confirmation of the booking within 48 hours and credit card particulars to reserve the rooms. In the event of a no-show the cilent will be charged accommodation for the frist night.

We  enclose  copies of our brochure, as requested.

With all best wishes
Your sincerely
Sarahi Fuentes
Reservations Manager.

sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

Pag. 73 
Mr. Murray
5, Rolfe Street

Dear Mr. Murray

Thank you for your interest in the Frederick Hotel, I ll will be a pleasure let you know the informacion about the description of the facilities and tariffs.

  • 17 air-conditioned conference rooms (1400m)
  • simultaneous translation/interpreters booths
  • 7 seminar rooms
  • single and double rooms and suites, all air-conditioned with en-suite facilities
  • views over gardens/historica suites
  • swimming poo, sauna
  • 4 restaurants and bars
  • multi-storey car park (240 cars)
  • price for 100 delegates (full board + conference facilities) x 3 days = DM72,000

It is a pleasure to serve you, please let me know any doubts or questions you have.Any thing or question please call 9894980, wil be a pleasure to serve.

Thank you for your preference. We are in conctact.

Your Sincerely
Sarahi Fuentes
Sales Magaer

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Letter of apology

Mr.  Shapur

I am writing in response to your letter  in which your expressed the bad appalling standard of service at the Heritage Museum Coffee Shop. I have just received your letter and I am shocked to learn what happened.

Thank you for your letter about your complaint, is very important for us what you think. Please accept my deep and sincere apologies.And to assure you that I will do my best to avoid a repeat of what happened.

I ask again I am truly sorry and apologize for the way you were treated and want to assure you that the treatment your received does not reflect the standards and quality of service that we provide and we would like to enclose voucher for free another breakfast . I have spoken with the customer care representative concerned and am confident that this will not happen again. If you feel you still need to discuss this issue further please call me on 222 222 2222.

We have made an error and we take full responsibility for it.

Your faithfully

Sarahi Fuentes

viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

Writing 2       pag 51

Giving a good impression

1. Always dress neatly and tidily. Keep your shoes clean and polished and your clothes well-pressed.
2. Bring your hair decent, not use color extravagant.
3. Always wear the uniform clean and pressing.
4. Always receives a customer with a SMILE.
5. Never talk about one client in front of others.
6. Maintain good eye contact with your client.
7. Be loyal to the company, do not blame other staff for mistakes.
8. Listen  carefuly  and if its necesary, take notes.
9. Be realistic when you're in front of the customer if you know something  be honest.
10.  When you're with your client have a contact eyes.
12. Carry our your promise within the stated time limit.

Another very importart thing NEVER SAY NO, always have another alternative o offer another thing.

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Writing 12,    pag 60

To: Gary Richards
From: L. Atienza, Airport Administration
Date: 19/04

Dear Mr Richards.

I have already read your FAX, and firs until anytthing I do apologize and thank you for tell us everything that you didn't like or your saw wrong.

1. Every 5 hours we are going to send someone from our staff to supervise every check in, and in case that it doesn't work we'll send someone from reception to help in this situation.
2. Things are going to change at the moment you check in you're bag will be weighed in case you have and excess of baggage in that moment you'll pay the extra charge.
3. They'll be faster. because at the moment they give food at the airplane, onche the passengers finish their food the airline hostess will pass trough all the plane with a garbage bag so the passengers can trought their trash and that way It will be easier to clean the plain once they the passengers go.
4. We were using only one because one of those was out of service, but this week we will recieve the other form the workshop.
5. Yes, at the plane door there will be airline hostess, checking that every person only has one cabin baggage, and in the middle of the plane they will be another airline hostess helping the passengers putting it away.
6. We have a lot of flights so its almost impossible to handle thaat, it must that we had some complications with the plane, but what we can do to apologize with you for you're waiting is to give you a bonus of 60 dlls for you're next flight. 

Again thank you so much for sent us your FAX. The opinion of every peron is very important for us.

Your  sincerely,
Sarahi Fuentes
L. Atienza, Airport Administration

jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

UNITT 8      pag. 41

Instructioins for Travellers to India

During  the day temperatures are high and so for comfort we recommend lightweight cotton clothing in preference to synthetic fabrics. Early morning and after sunset can be cold, so you will need a jachet and woollen sweater or cardigan. Although it is usual to change for dinner, smart casual wear is acceptable even in the best hotels, so jacket and tie are optional.

When sightseeing you will find a pair of flat sturdy walking shoes indispensable.

Suitable clothing should be worn when entering temples and other religious buildings. Visitors may not be permitted entrance if they are wearing shorts or have bare shoulders. Woman are advised to wear clothes which  cover both their shoulders and their knees.

It is not permitted to walk through temples or mosques wearing shoes, and occasionally bags and belts must also be left at the entrance. Canvas overshoes are usually provided, for which a small tip of about 5 rupees is customary.

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Writing 2    Pag  48

This secluded holiday complex is within easy reach of the rocky bay and the sea. There are four floodlit tennis courts available to guests and the Sandy Lane Golf Club is just a free-of-charge bas ride away.
Hole Town exudes an easy-going atmosphere ideal situated with its cobbled streets and whitewashed houses. Watch the short world go by from the many welcoming cafe terraces or mouth-watering sample dishes in the restaurants.


Tangier with its colored  bazaars and type architecture provides a taste of the Orient. It has amazing sporting facilities, incluiding golf, tennis and sailing. Watersports can be fully enjoyed along its coats which have gorgeus  beaches. You can try your luck in the fancy casino or windows-shop down the extensive boulevards of the quarter. The fantastic  Mendoubia Gardens, a  huge palace and antiquities are just some of the many attractions that Tangier has to offer

sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

Speaking 1  Pag. 46

Depart London at 7:00 o´clock mid-morning Tuesday on VIASA via Caracas, Arrival late evening in Havana. Moved to the Hotel Plaza, opposite Central Park in old Havana, the area famed for its old Spaish days. The night will be available free to every customers.

DAY 2 - 3
After breakfast, the guide will accompany us in an unforgettable visit to Havana. Tour for the  handicraft centre and the Guanabocoa museum on the outskirts of Havana, which has rooms dedicated to the influence of Africa cultures on Cuba. You will have the opportunity to visit museums, the most wonderful places, and appreciate the city´s architecture and you will have free time to wander the streets of Havana. Visit to the Museum of the Revolution, the old fort and the Cathedral.
The lunch will take place in one of the most typical restaurants of the city.

DAY 4 
After breakfast,  visit to a cigar factory, famous brands as Partagas and Ramon Allones. Transfer to the airport for the flight to Santiago de Cuba in the east of the island, famed for the buildings and beautiful settings. Overnight stay at Las Americas hotel.

After breakfast we will have a City tour, incluiding the Moncada barracks which Fidel Castro and a group of followers failed in the storm of 1953 in an early abortive attemp to seize power. Along the way we will visit a Good museums in Santiago  include the Casa Velazquez dating back to the 16th Century and the Museum Bacardi. Optional entry.
The food will take place in a typical local restaurant, after you can visit The Soroa orchid garden.

Excursion to the Basilica in El Cobre,where it is possible to give a ride for their fascinating historic buildings. The food will be at the restuarant La Arboleada, a village from 18 miles northwest of Santiago. Transfer to the airport and we will return to Havana, which we will transport you to the Hotel Plaza.

You can spend the morning with your personal pleasures, for example, relaxing in the unique beaches in the Caribbean.  After lunch, we will transferred you to the airport or where you can continue the vacations.

jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012

19 Write a checklist of points for newly-trained staff to remember when making a booking.

1.CALL STAR; Good mornign/Good evening/Good night Holiday Inn it serves Sarahi Fuente cant I help you?
2. ASK the name of the client, the date of recervation,  the number of persons that will be accompanying,  the type of rooms, the night will be few etc..
3. RATE QUOTE; Confirmation of booking
4. How is going to be the PAYMENT; cash or credit card, and if the client pay by credit card she/he should sign the credit card.
5. CHECK THE INFORMATION; repeat, confirm the information, give the rate.
6. END OF CALL; Give key of reservation, confirm the information, remember the date of booking, ask the telephone and said: The name of the reservation is ........of.......to the.....for.......nights.
Rate of..... in .........room. The check in is...... and the ckeck out........
7.FINALLY SAY TO THE CUSTOMER; Can I help you for another thing...it serves Sarahi Fuentes, thank you for call to Holiday Inn. Having a excellent day.

21 Write a letter of confirmation to J. Wilkes, enclosing the tickets and the detaials of the holiday in Venice and Verona

Dear Mr. J. Wilkes.

Thank you for your confirmation. We have the details  of your holiday, your are going to stay seven days  of July 15 to Agust 25.

And we need to you choosse one of the programme that will in the second sector of the Arena in Verona. Performance of: La Boheme, Norma, Nabucco, Aida and Otell.

This package incluide the flight from LGW, three nights HB accommodation in Verona at the Hotel Borghetti in ensuite rooms. Three nights bed and breakfast in Venice at the Gran Hotel Principe on the Gran Canal. Waterbuses to St. Mark´s Square depart from the main station just a few metres away. All transference between the hotels and the airports, plus the services of local hosts and guides. The price of them are 795 pound and Insuarence 18 pound.

I hope your choice of programme, if you have any question plis let me know.

Iam at your service.

Complete  the  followings senteces with any word except dollars or any other money  word. i wish i had a million...... because ... before you write your pharagraph make a list of 5 posible anwers.

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Writing 1

Currency fluctuations have many British holidaymarkers there going to countires where the pound buy more. The USA, Turkey and Italy  are more attractive than Spain, France and Grece there business are going down.

Last year 8.2FF was the equivalent of one pound, now the pound is 7.8FF. So that means that the British travelers lose  30 on every  500 transaction. This also has been reflected in holidays bookings wich is down a 7% on 1994. Also happened in Spian business too. Bookings to the end of April show their share the UK market down 2%, from 44% to 42%.

In the USA and Turkey the pound has risen. Turkey has a consequence, nearly double its market share whick is now standing at 7%. However swings in favourable courrency rates mus balance against the cost of meals and services. 1 buys 60% more Turkish lira but then the cost meals and services has doubled.

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012


Really known about tourism in Egypt since ‘’the dawn of time’’. In 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte made a campaign in the Orient to protect French trade interests. He began to get involved in the Egyptian culture.

In November of 1869 the biggest canal also known by the nickname ‘’Suez Canal’’ was opened by Thomas Cook, that is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt. This canal is connected by the Mediterranean Sea and the Red sea.

In 1950 Thomas Cook started his own company of international travels also called tour operators and hoteliers in place. The 5th of July began an excursion by train from Leiscester to Loughborough with so much success.

After thirteen years the Ministry of Tourism was opened in Egypt. The increase of tourist for year was of 1 million people, also it increase the number of carriers and hotels in this country. However, after two year the arrivals of tourist were from 3.6 million people.

In 1992 to 1994 the tourism began to decline, this was because the earthquake which happened in 1992 near Cairo the capital of Egypt. The government said that 370 people were killed and 3,300 people hurt.

By this time the visitors in Egypt are 43% from Arab world and 57% are from Europe & N. America. The principal attractions are the classical tours who are call ‘’Pyramids, Luxor and Aswan’’. The Nile Cruises are one of the most important cruises in the world.

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012

Mr. Albert Obieski
Personnel Manager
Travel Agent
San Jeronimo
Nueva 28849

Dear Mr Albert Obieski

I'm interesting in your company because  your company is very famouse and i would like to form part of  the team. My main aspiration is to find a jog that allows me to contact with people and this company have all I seek.

I describe my self like a persona dynamic, like going out forward. I always look to improve myself in  every aspect. My characteristics are the constant work, adaptation and sacrifiice.

I have a good knowledge of languages Japanece, French, English and Spanish.

I would appreciate your giving me an interview to expand the information in my curriculum vitae as I am of people who think there is always something better and I think I have the attitudes and skills for the post to which I apply.

Your Faithfully

Lupita Lopez

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012



      Name                     Lupita Lopez
      D.O.B                    80.08.79
      Address                   Carpinteros Sur 345

      Tel. No.                 (01686) 5654534
      Marital status         Single

 *  2004/2007           Certificate of Chef: Doña Maria, Mexicali B.C.
*   2001/2004           National Diploma in Tourism and Recreation Management: 
                                 San Diego University
*   1998/2001           Practices: Hotel RIU, Playa del Carmen
*   1993/1998            University: GLION, Suiza
*   1990/1993            High school: UVM, Campus Guadalajara
*   1987/1990            Junior High: Instituto Felix de Jesus Rougier,  Mexicali B.C.
*   1985/ 1987           Elementary school: 
                                  Instituo Felix de Jesus Rougier, 5-6 grade,  Mexicali B.C.
*1983/1985               Elementary school: 
                                  Instituto Patria del Noroeste, 3-4 grade, Mexicali B.C.
*1980/1983               Elementary school: Calmecac, 1-2 grade, Mexicali BC

·        SPANISH: Mother tongue
·        ENGLISH: Elementary
·        FRENCH: Fluent
·        JAPANESSE: Fluent

*2007/Present             Manager of insurances at GNP, San Diego state
                                   *Trained new employees on all aspects
*Teach the technics to sell more insurance, and how to make people rely on them.
*2003/2007                GNP life,cars and house insurance seller, San Diego state
                                   *Sell all types of insurance (life, house and cars)
*Organizate the papers by dates of all insurance workers, make them easy
*2000/2003                 Secretary information Assistance at GNP insurances, San Diego state
                                    *People enter to our company, mencionated all the beneficts of join us
                                    *Call to insurance workers, if people ask for them
                                    *Organizate all the papers in the company GNP

Ballet, jazz, volleyball, basketball,tenis, water sports

I want you to interest in me, because I know I´m a person that have much to contribute, and i´m a talent and potentional person also I got skills of what you are searching, I know how to do my work and I´m working in a company that´s relation with travel secures.