lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

pag. 61       Workbook


*  Is a beautiful unspoilt island off the Indian coast.
* It has a popultatiof of 3,000 whor live in in small coastal villages.
* Few international visitors visit the island.
* Commuication and transport between the hamlets is mainly by water os there asre few roads
* You can´t stay in a hotel because dont have.
* There have only one ferry service a week connecting with the island with the Indian


* Is a small but heavily populated land locked industrialised country.
* There are sufficient hotels than Floriana
* Productia have a museums, art galleries and old buildings.
* The site is close to two large industrial cities: Milltown and Ironton.
* Would be a suitable location for the theme park.
* The south of the country is popular international tourist destination in summer.

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