viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

Writing 2       pag 51

Giving a good impression

1. Always dress neatly and tidily. Keep your shoes clean and polished and your clothes well-pressed.
2. Bring your hair decent, not use color extravagant.
3. Always wear the uniform clean and pressing.
4. Always receives a customer with a SMILE.
5. Never talk about one client in front of others.
6. Maintain good eye contact with your client.
7. Be loyal to the company, do not blame other staff for mistakes.
8. Listen  carefuly  and if its necesary, take notes.
9. Be realistic when you're in front of the customer if you know something  be honest.
10.  When you're with your client have a contact eyes.
12. Carry our your promise within the stated time limit.

Another very importart thing NEVER SAY NO, always have another alternative o offer another thing.

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